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Healing the Prostate

The Best Holistic Methods To Treat The Prostate And Other Common Male-Related Conditions
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A practical, integrative guide to men's prostate health, including holistic therapies for prostate cancer, BPH, prostatitis, and bladder function.

For all its many important functions, the prostate gland can become a health curse to many men, young and old. Common prostate conditions include: benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer, prostatitis, testosterone deficiency, and erectile...See more

A practical, integrative guide to men's prostate health, including holistic therapies for prostate cancer, BPH, prostatitis, and bladder function.

For all its many important functions, the prostate gland can become a health curse to many men, young and old. Common prostate conditions include: benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer, prostatitis, testosterone deficiency, and erectile dysfunction.

While conventional therapies exist for all these conditions, scientific studies have demonstrated that a comprehensive, integrative, or holistic approach to healing can dramatically reduce risk and/or decrease negative side effects and symptoms.

Mark Stengler, N.M.D., draws upon his over 25 years of expertise in naturopathic medicine and holistic hormone therapies to provide a comprehensive approach to optimal prostate health, including a focus on bladder function, hormone balance, and a thorough exploration of prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment options, and holistic support. By thoroughly addressing these key aspects of the genitourinary system, you will be able to discover optimal prostate health and functionality.

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